Press Release - New Book Coming Oct 9th

Press Release
October 4, 2017

Contact:   Eric Wilson
Cell Phone: 859-983-5190

New Book changing the way people view the past, present, and prepare for the future.

Every culture goes through predictable cycles of abundance and catastrophic “resets.” Eric Wilson, the director of the Kentucky 9/12 Project and former leader in the Tea Party movement has released his latest book “Cultural Cycles” and warns the United States is on the brink of its next reset, with potentially disastrous results – and he backs it up with data.

Owensboro, KY –  "Cultural Cycles" is a book written by Eric Wilson who is also a professional business forecaster for a local international company and worked in the field of analytics for over twenty years.   Through an intriguing mixture of historical acumen and big-data analytics - Cultural Cycles examines the cyclical nature of history and applies it to the United States today. Basing his observations on repeating eras and cycles from the seventeenth century to the present, Wilson reveals that the United States’ next cultural reset is imminent and posits what the consequences will be for a nation already divided. 

Predicting the Future by Looking at the Past - Chapter 1

Exert of Chapter 1 from the book Cultural Cycles (Oct 9 2017) by Author Eric Wilson and contributions by Justen Collins available @

For over twenty-five years now – in my “day” job of analytics and business forecasting – I use past results and forecast outlooks to predict future actions and events every day. I have thrived in the corporate world by observing patterns and correlations in events and attempting to explain – not necessarily “why” something occurred – but “what” might occur next. Most times – whether people realize it or not – I am far from alone in these pursuits.

While they may not get paid to do so, most people generally try to anticipate what is going to happen in their lives.  Of course, the majority do not fully understand the statistical probabilities or potential forecast elements involved. Regardless, they still spend their time guessing what might happen tomorrow or prognosticating to their peers about the future – even if it is just which team will win this Sunday’s game.

We all make these guesses, but what if we could see into the future? Would you not want to “peer under the shroud” and see what was to come? I am not talking about learning the next winner of the Super Bowl or Lord Stanley’s Cup, but more like knowing what type of culture shifts we will see in the coming years.

Are You Smarter Than a Forecaster - Chapter 2

Exert of Chapter 2 from the book Cultural Cycles (Oct 9 2017) by Author Eric Wilson and contributions by Justen Collins available @

Even though what I do – and forecasting in general – may seem implausible at worst and unreliable at best to many, it is also intuitive to most. Look at the chart below (figure 1) and guess where the next point will fall.

(Figure 1)

Overwhelmingly, almost everyone predicts the next point will fall below the center line and answer “C.

We Do Forget 9/11

Monday on 9/11 a day which one of its mantras is “never forget”.  I clearly remember where I was that morning when I saw the second plane fly into the World Trade Centers.  I will truly never forget the feeling and emotion I had as I watched in disbelief as the events unfolded.  Me, like many others, that day changed our lives and changed our perspectives.  For anyone that lived through this tragedy and has a heart you will never forget.

As I proclaimed the other day on 9/11 out of sorrow and actuality - sadly history has shown us and time is proving out "we do forget.”  While understandably many people took this as a criticism of the times we live, I was expressing a much bigger picture.  There are dates that should live in infamy and moments of history that should never be lost, that are relegated to the history books that nobody reads.  These events live in the past that we cannot relate to or empathize with.  And the further we are from them the more we have ease and tranquility, as if no such event had happened.

But what does this mean for our understanding of the past and actions in the future?

The Last Flower

“As for the winter, when the freezing rains
confine the farmer, he may employ himself
in preparations for serener seasons.”
- Virgil’s First Georgic by Robert Fitzgerald

Every year I play like I’m a backyard farmer and plant my gardens.  Every year I complain that despite my efforts nothing happens the way I think it should.  And every year I learn valuable lessons not just about agriculture but life.

Intuitively I know gardening enhances our quality of life in numerous ways: providing fresh food, exercise and health benefits, and opportunities for life-long learning. A garden experience fosters ecological literacy and stewardship skills - enhancing an awareness of the link between plants and cycles of life.  

Cultural Cycles - The End is Neigh

message from the Author Eric Wilson:

After five years, I have recently completed my latest book of an in depth look at the Cycles that move a culture and the next looming reset. Stay tuned for the new book coming this fall “Cultural Cycles: A Story of the History of the United States - Why It Repeats Itself, and the Next Looming Reset”.  This book uses history and analytics and most of all the readers own intuition and logic to explain the seemly rhythmic nature of history. We answer many of the questions of why various well-known historic events took place when they did and what we might be able to expect in the future.  After extensive research of historical patterns, I not only show how and why history does repeat itself but also provide insight to how America may be on the verge of the next cataclysmic reset. 


Charlottesville is Only the Beginning

Recent events in Charlottesville, Virginia have shined a renewed light on our culture, where we have come from, and where we still must go. Not surprising this has set off a firestorm of emotional responses and actions from all sides.  More than thirty cities either have removed or are removing Confederate monuments, according to a list compiled by The New York Times. In Baltimore during the dead of night three statues the mayor and city council deemed offensive were lifted from their moorings.  As both for and against - protests and counter protests are being organized in cities across America.  

President Trump even weighed in as well a few times adding to the banter.  While there are many issues, one of the underlying debates over the Confederate monuments espoused by Mr. Trump and others is a fight between those who wish to preserve history and those who wish to “erase” it.  I actually think the President was partially correct – this is about history.  We are in a fight, but this just may be a fight between those who wish to learn from history and those who wish to “relive” it.

The history behind many of the Confederate monuments is not what most people may think. 

By Dawn We Will Be Free

Re-Posted by Dr. Shanon Brooks on Aug 25, 2015

About a year and 1/2 ago, I was teaching in Southern California. I always try to bring a lot of stories and historical relevance to my classes and in this particular class, I had related the events surrounding the 1956 Hungarian Revolution.
One of my students, a quiet but attentive older lady approached me after the class and with a bit of an accent, thanked me for sharing the Hungarian history and quietly shared that she had lived through that revolution. This lead to a formal interview, which then lead to her writing this book.
At the end of WWII, the Soviet Army pushed the Nazi’s out of East Europe and began to occupy it. It was 1945 when they invaded Hungary and made it a communist state, one of the most repressed in the world.
Georgette and her family quickly went from a comfortable middle class life in Budapest, Hungary to being prisoners of one of the most horrific political systems in modern times.
Thousands of Hungarians were arrested, imprisoned, and tortured. Many died of starvation, and of foul conditions after being forced from their homes and made to live in camps.
Some were executed. Georgette and her family knew they had to escape or they faced the same fate as their unfortunate neighbors.

What Are The Georgics

Re-Posted by Dr. Shanon Brooks on Aug 24, 2015

What are the Georgics?,”  is a really good question.  Let me qualify myself before I attempt to answer this.

I grew up on a 40-acre farm with 1,000 chickens, 30 head of cattle, 10 pigs and an assortment of ducks, geese, cats, and dogs etc.

So I understand farm life and nature’s birth, growth and death cycle, puny man’s dependence on Providence for hay crops, 3:00am calving emergencies, the untimely death of a beloved animal, the threat of coyotes–you see where I am going with this.

I am also a self-styled entrepreneur.  I have not worked anywhere for the last 20 years that I did not take a hand in creating the company or institution of my employ. So when I was introduced to the concept of Georgics, it made sense to me right away. But as our culture has moved away from the concept of the Georgics, fewer and fewer people understand what this is and why it is important.

Stop Stealing Dreams

Re-Posted by Dr. Shanon Brooks on July 27, 2015

Stop-Stealing-Dreams-SethI have been promoting these ideas for the last 20 years. I hated school and was very much against all “education” until Oliver DeMille first introduced me to these concepts in the early 1990’s.
But these aren’t new ideas, they had been talked about for a long time since the 1940’s and 50’s.  Great minds such as Mortimer Adler, Jacque Barzun, Robert Hutchins, Louise Cowan, Neal Flinders, and countless other have been sounding the warning for decades.
So while I strongly encourage you to read the full text of Seth Godin’s STOP STEALING DREAMS, I am giving you a few excerpts here.
This is the best introduction to POST INDUSTRIAL AMERICA AND EDUCATION I have seen so far.  Enjoy!
By the way…this post is 5,000 words. That does not mean you have to read it all.  It means that out of a 40,000 word e-book I am suggesting you read 11% to try it out. It means that if you read this and like it, you should go toSeth’s site and read the rest of his revolutionary book. The future depends on you.
Back to (the wrong) school
A hundred and fifty years ago, adults were incensed about child labor. Low-wage kids were taking jobs away from hard-working adults.