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“If my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear them from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and heal their land.” ~ 2 Chronicles 7:14
Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary defines pray as: “In worship, to address the Supreme Being with solemnity and reverence, with adoration, confession of sins, supplication for mercy and thanksgiving for blessings received.”
When a nation becomes proud humbling themselves is the first step to returning to God. Prayer is the second. Why? Because we have to humble ourselves – realizing that we are not in charge – in order to express solemnity, reverence, adoration, supplication andthanksgiving. We must expose our hearts to Him and surrender.
In our daily lives I know many of us pray – But how often do we pray for our nation to be saved? Do we pray for God to reveal to us the moral, virtuous, and godly men and women we need to lead our nation back? Do we thank God for the many blessings he has given us as a people – as a nation – over the years?
National Day of prayer is approaching on May 2. It is an opportunity to gather in our local communities and lift our voices in prayer and supplication. Will one day of prayer solve the problems? No. But it is a beginning, a step in the right direction. I would encourage you to find out where the closest event is and join in.
To whom much is given, much is expected. If we as a nation and as a people want the blessings of the Supreme Being to once again flow over our nation, we must be prepared to follow the instruction He gives us in this verse. He makes a promise in this verse which I cling to and believe in so deeply. He is showing us the way back to Him. Question is, will we listen?