When nationally syndicated radio host Mark R. Levin’s Liberty and Tyranny his clarion call for a new era in conservatism a #1 New York Times bestseller for an astounding twelve weeks. As provocative, well-reasoned, robust, and informed as his on-air commentary, with his love of our country and the legacy of our Founding Fathers reflected on every page, Levin’s galvanizing narrative provides a philosophical, historical, and practical framework for revitalizing the conservative vision and ensuring the preservation of American society. In a series of powerful essays, Levin lays out how conservatives can counter the tyrannical liberal corrosion that has filtered into every timely issue affecting our daily lives, from the economy to health care, global warming to immigration, and more.
Eric Wilson’s Review: The concepts and ideas you may intuitively know and while for some there may not be that light bulb moment you have never seen (or read) it so thoughtfully and reasoned as this. If you love Levin’s radio program and his ability to dismantle layers of complexity and create an undisputable argument; you will equally enjoy this book. Levin logically lays out what has made the United States of America different and reintroduces the basic concept of life, liberty, and property. This more so than any other book I have read clearly lays out the difference between conservatism and statism as well as the cavern between liberty and tyranny.