Brush Fire Mostest in Review 2013

Year in review, here are the “mostest” as we look back over the past year at all the articles from Brush Fire Forum.  Over 190 articles thanks to multiple contributors have made this a phenomenal year of growth, learning, storytelling, and brush fires.  Together we have begun to ignite brush fires in the minds of others and we look forward to 2014 to continue to fan those flames.

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Many of the most recent (and worst) “improvements” to our national education process have come under the misguided banner of reforms such as Common Core.  Its stated objective is to set forth a national K-12 content standard to be adopted by all states to drive education to become more standardized across the country.  Its supposed purpose is to impose more rigorous standards now so that our students will be prepared for competing in the global economy of the future… Read full article

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The Cubicle Survival Guide - Ronald McDonald Day by Justen Collins on January 18th
As the New Year dawned recently, I decided against making any resolutions and instead opted for a different approach. Rather than set any specific goal or commitment for myself, I chose to simply make 2013 a year where I venture more often out of my comfort zones. We are such creatures of habit – especially those of us in a typical office world of work – that we can settle into regimented routines to a somewhat dangerous point. The cycle of “eat, work, try to spend some time with the family, then sleep” can start to steamroll and the years can go by in flashes… Read full article

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The Death of Tea Party by Eric Wilson on February 17th
The Tea Party movement may not be dead yet, but it may – in fact – be on life support.  This is not due to a lack of individual effort, resolve, or commitment to the cause.  Despite what the media may portray, it is not due to infighting within the group but rather because the group may be fighting to hold up a collapsing house of cards… read full article

Thank you for a wonderful year