No True Faith, No True Freedom

Posted by Jenn Jones on April 16, 2014

Faith: Whether you are a believer or not, you have faith. You may have faith in yourself; faith in others; faith in the goodness of man; faith in government. As a believer and follower of Christ, I have faith in Him. I have faith that Jesus died on the cross for all of our sins. I have faith that God’s word is the blue print for how we should live our lives. It is by faith that we are saved.

Faith can be defined as to trust, to obey, to persuade or draw towards. What we base our faith on depends on how we make decisions, take action, think, view the world and ultimately it shapes what kind of society we live in. If our faith is not based on foundational truth, it is built on shaky ground. Jesus came to set us free. His truth is what gives us freedom. Therefore, we cannot know true freedom –true liberty – without faith in God. He is freedom and liberty. When we rely on and trust in Him for guidance and our salvation, His word and law are written on our hearts. Through this we gain internal liberty and the ability – the desire – to govern ourselves according to his precepts. When we are governing ourselves and our lives according this, liberty and freedom then become external. It affects how we live our lives, raise our children, treat our spouses, love our neighbors, honor our parents, elect our officials, handle our money…it spills over into all things. But first that faith – that trust – must be placed in a power greater than us. It must be placed in our Creator. He is the only true source of freedom and self-governance.

Good things flow from a true faith in Christ. They flow not because we are slaves to it, but rather because when we are renewed and transformed by the Spirit, and the word and law of God is written on our hearts, we want to be better. It raises the bar on our life – we are then called to pursue that happiness that God instilled in us – His will for us.

Our founders understood the importance of faith. It was such a part of who they were and how they viewed the world that they established a country and a style of government that reflected that faith. As Americans began to turn away from faith for various reasons and as the government began to consider itself God – we have lost our way. And with the loss of faith and the loss of that biblical worldview – we
have also forfeited so many of our freedoms that the current generations don’t really know what freedom and liberty truly mean.

Christians – it is time to realize the weight of responsibility we carry. It is Christianity that offers a way to true freedom. It is Christianity and its principles that are needed in order to turn this nation back to God. But it can only be done if we accept the responsibility and the duty to do what we are called to do. There is no area of life that should be kept separate from our faith. God is omniscient and He has His hand over all things in life on this earth. Who are we to think that there are areas of life that we should not be involved in?

It is time to study the word, strengthen that worldview, increase our faith and once
again become the foundation of a great nation. We can no longer sit on the sidelines waiting for someone else to fix the problem. It is why we are here.