view previous How do We Change the Culture We Live In
Hopefully you are seeing by now the importance of the strong foundation that this whole process started with. One of the main points I am trying to make with this series, and to draw some attention to, is that the problems we are facing in this country will not be solved by the next election. They will not be solved because we sent the right candidate to office, or because we walked in a parade, or knocked on doors. They won’t be solved because we are making phone calls to our congressmen and women telling them how unhappy we are. While all of those things are necessary to the process – the problem is much, much deeper than all of that. It is an individual issue. We need to start helping others to build their foundations – we need to instill these values and love of God and country into the next generation. They will be the ones who have to carry on when we are gone, and most likely will be the ones rebuilding after it all crumbles.
So I have discussed the foundation; how the foundation forms our thoughts and our perception of the world around; how that in turn determines the decisions and choices we make. Now the next natural step in the process is how those decisions and choices determine the action we take. Remember – your foundational beliefs – those core values and principles – are permeating the entire process, affecting every step of it. So if your core values and principles are based on biblical and founding truths everything you do should follow suit and align.
Does that mean we don’t do anything wrong or ever make bad decisions that result in bad action? No! But it definitely lessens the chances if you are vigilant in your thinking, decision-making and actions because you have that strong core foundation. If your worldview is such that you believe you should just do whatever feels good in the moment or what is best for you with no regards for the consequences then your actions will be a result of that.
That is where we are today. The world wants you to believe that holding fast to principles, values, God, church, founding principles is bad – that it makes you some sort of weirdo or extremist. But rather, the world wants you to live for yourself – do what feels good or sounds good. After all, it is all about living life to the fullest, is it not? There is a BIG difference between the world’s definition of living life to the fullest and what Christ told us about living an abundant life. All actions have consequences – ALL of them. Personal responsibility and accountability for one’s actions has to exist. That is what too many people don’t understand. Those two things – personal responsibility and accountability – are almost taboo words to say today because people don’t want to be held accountable. They want to make decisions, take action and not have consequences.
Having that foundation of core values and principles based on biblical and founding truth sounds like a lot of work – and it is – but in the end as you live your life with that understanding, you will begin to see the world in a completely different light. And you will find that even though the road is narrow, it leads to great things and the abundant life that Christ promises.
So do you have the courage to put in the effort?