How do We Change the Culture We Live? (Part 6) How does the Foundation Influence Your Results?

Posted by Jenn Jones on August 6, 2013

view previous How do We Change the Culture We Live In

For every action there is a consequence or a result. Every time you think about something, make a decision about it and then act upon it - there is a result of that process. The basis from which that process started influences the result.
Just as an example of how this works - let's consider a young girl who has never been given the tools to build her foundation. She doesn't understand she is a child of God, treasured and beloved. Her 'foundation' is built on the sands of society telling her what is right and wrong. She doesn't think highly of herself because she doesn't look the way society tells her she should look. Her decisions and choices, being based upon the thinking that she isn't good enough and has to do whatever it takes to get attention, result in promiscuous behavior and dressing inappropriately. The results? There are many things that could result from this. Imagine if that same girl had been taught the truth about herself. Imagine if she had been taught that she was created by a God who loved her - who created her to be unique and special. Imagine if she had been given a sturdy base to stand on that would form those thoughts, her choices, her actions and how it would affect the results of her life.

I am not saying that having a foundation of truth is going to prevent anyone from having problems or that bad things won't happen. We live in a fallen world and things happen that are not in our control. But when we make a conscious effort to live our lives according to the truth - the REAL truth, not that which the world and society would like us to believe - our results will often times be a lot different.
Living life with purpose. Living life with dedication, courage, virtues, values, and principles. Being diligent in our decisions and taking control of our thoughts. Living live proactively instead of reactively. Imagine the difference it would make.