8 Habits of Successful Liberty Circles

Eric Wilson - 2013

 1.    commitment to integrity
It is about being morally correct in all your endeavors.  It is about following the rest of your core values and not wavering in doing so.  It is about following what you believe in, which is morally correct.

2.    commitment to transparency
It is open and above board.  People do not trust what they do not know or cannot see.

3.    commitment to open and honest relationships
It is not using people but providing a like-minded forum to build true relationships.

4.    commitment to communication
It is vertical, horizontal and external.  It is important that members speak to each other, communicate up and down, and are able to communicate and brag to the outside world open and honestly.

5.    commitment to passion and resolve
It is the reason and focus that brings the group together and the resolve to continue on and accomplish.

6.    commitment to positive team
It is not enough to be against something, but you need to be for something as well.  This is optimism and excitement and comes from being a part of something.

7.    commitment to respect for the individual
People are the movement and many times all they are looking for is a little respect.  Respect for ideas, respect for abilities or talents, and respect for contributions.

8.    commitment to harmony
Everybody needs to play nice because unresolved internal issues affect all other values.  At the same time, adherence to all other values generally leads to harmony.