Education Is More Than Just Book Knowledge

Posted by Jenn Jones on May 7, 2014

Education today has a very different meaning than it did when our country was first founded. Early Americans understood that the primary role of education was to teach children biblical truth and they also understood it was their role as parents to provide that education. Religion, morality and knowledge was the primary focus of early American education.

It has been said that the philosophy of the schoolroom in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next. That rings so true when we look at the progression of education in our country from its founding until present day. Education began with a primary role of teaching the bible and God’s principles. They did this because it was understood that in order for man to self-govern and pursue happiness he had to have a foundation in biblical truth. This concept of education was reflected in the formation of our country and government.

Education teaches a worldview. Very few people understand that in today’s world. They think that when they send their kids to public school they are being prepared for college – being taught math, science, language and social studies.  Many people do not realize their children are being taught to view the world through a lens that is not biblical, nor is it the truth. Often we view education as benign, teaching only the facts in a textbook. But it is not possible for education not to teach a worldview – because that is what it was created to do. The issue becomes which worldview do we want our children to learn and what source do we want them to learn it from?

Religion, the bible and Christian principles have all been taken out of the public school. Since these Supreme Court decisions in the early 60’s we have seen an increase in promiscuity, teen pregnancy and a decrease in test scores – just to name a few.  But even though these court decisions removed ‘religion’ from the public school system – a ‘religion’ is still being taught. However it is now the religion of statism which teaches our children there is no higher power except for the civil government, and as such is the source of law and morality. It teaches there are no absolutes in life – everything is relative. And when everything is relative, and there is no absolute truth, then it becomes very difficult to properly discern between right and wrong. It is all left up to personal interpretation based on your feelings or that which the government has told you is right or wrong.  Then we sit and scratch our heads wondering why our society is in such disrepair and chaos.

We wonder why there are school shootings and other acts of violence. We wonder why so many youths of today are not able to be independent and think for themselves. All we need to do is look at the source of the education they are receiving. It isn’t about math problems and proper sentences or the ability to read. Education is about much more than that. And it is time that parents understand the truth about education and their role / responsibility with regards to it.

So if the philosophy of the of the schoolroom in one generation will indeed be the philosophy of government in the next – is it any wonder why our nation is in the condition it is? And where do you think it will ultimately lead?