If My People...Part 4 - Seek His Face

Posted by Jenn Jones on April 15, 2013

part of series click here to view previous

“If my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, anseek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear them from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and heal their land.” ~ 2 Chronicles 7:14
What does it mean to seek the face of God? To me, it means one simple yet powerfully amazing thing – to see the truth in all things.
We live in a culture where truth is relative and changes with the times. The truth of the matter is truth doesn’t change. How can it? God is truth – Truth is God. God is the same all through time. Truth is not gray, it not relative, it is not upto personal interpretation. Truth is rock solid – at least it is supposed to be.
When a nation turns from God it no longer seeks the absolute truth, but rather prefers to make its own truth to fit whatever it wants. That is where we are in America. So in addition to humbling ourselves and confessing our sin, praying for his forgiveness and blessings – God is calling us to seek the truth. But how do we do that?

For Christians the truth is in God’s word. The truth is in His scripture, His covenant, His promises. It is imperative for Christians to learn, develop and strengthen their biblical worldview so they are equipped to perceive the lies and deception that the world throws their way. If we who are called by our Creator to win others to Christ don’t have a firm grasp on what the truth really is, how much good can we actually do? If we are deceived and duped by the same lies that non-believers are – how are we supposed to truly win them for Jesus?
Learning truth – biblical truth based on who God really is – will show you the face of God. It will set you free.