Doomsday Procrastinator - Chapter 5

Posted by Justen Collins on April 14, 2013

Perhaps it is because I am sitting to write this edition of the Doomsday Procrastinator on a Sunday afternoon or perhaps it is because this is a message that I should have shared well before now. For whatever the reason, you will have to indulge me if this week’s update sounds more like the sequel to “The Intersection” (click here to read it now if you have not before, as it is one of the pieces on this site in which my emotions were most invested) than it sounds like a new installment of our current series. The truth is, though, that when I consider “doomsday” or any other disaster scenario worth planning for, there is only one thought that comes to my mind first, and I have to be honest with my audience in addressing it.
The most important preparation that you can make for doomsday is not having enough water, or having a bomb shelter, or having a stocked food pantry. The preparation that matters most is making certain that you – and every member of your family and every person you hold dear – have a personal relationship with the one true God of eternity. I do not mean Allah, I do not mean Buddha, I do not mean any higher powers, I do not mean your best self, and I do not mean Mother Nature, Mother Earth or Mother Theresa. I mean you need to know the God of the Bible that sent his son Jesus Christ to this world to live a sinless life and die a sacrificial death on a cross for you and me. You need to know him personally and as the Lord of your daily life. You need to talk to him daily through prayer and focus your energy on bringing him glory.

I could hear the sound of dozens and dozens of mouse clicks as soon as “the doomsday guy” started preaching for some reason, and I respect your right to ignore me and to ignore this site in the future. I do not have to answer to God for your actions, but I do have to stand before him one day and answer for mine. Should he decide to ask me why I spent weeks of my life writing about how to prepare for the end of the world as we know it without mentioning God and prayer, I best be ready to respond. Even if the world keeps turning without another incident, each of us will meet our personal doomsday in the future and draw our last breath. If you take that breath without finding Jesus, no amount of preparation in this world will help you in the next.
Even those of us who know and love the Lord can forget how useless our efforts are without him from time to time. We can get so invested in the activities of this world that we forget the fleeting nature of the life we are trying so hard to protect. Many of the most impressive doomsday preppers out there believe they have planned for every potential outcome and have the ability to ensure the survival of their loved ones against all odds. Too often that self-assurance and pride of accomplishment can blind us to the reality that everything we have and every action we take is simply a gift from a loving God. Without him, we would not open our eyes in the morning much less have the strength, wisdom, and resources to face adversity.
I know you did not come to this site or this series of articles to hear a sermon, and I certainly did not set out weeks ago to lure you into one. The Brush Fire Forum is a site that allows me to express my personal opinions as I see fit, and I make every effort to be as open and honest as I possibly can in the items that I publish here. You can rest assured that I stand by the words that I post, and – whether you like them or not – that I would gladly defend them to you in person if the situation ever arose. There are many people that will turn away from this article because it offends their sensibilities or because they find it too politically incorrect or controversial. I will come off as a religious zealot or pushy Christian to many others. I can live with their opinions and conclusions, but I could not live another week without taking the opportunity to share my personal beliefs with you. Truth be told, when I think about doomsday, my first thought is to drop to my knees in prayer and to hope the Lord returns for me before my family has to face perils in the future.
Next week, we will likely return to a more normal topic and my usual witty tone. Making practical physical preparations to support your family is the responsible thing to do and one that follows the Biblical model of stewardship. Do not, though, let preparing for the worst case scenarios of this life distract you from the far more eternal consequences of meeting death without preparing for the next one.
#DoomsDelay Tip of the Week
Go read chapters 5-7 of the book of Matthew in the New Testament of the Bible. This passage is known as the “Sermon on the Mount” and is longest collection of teaching from Jesus during his earthly ministry. This short read will give you a great look into the fundamental principles of Christian living and can serve as a perfect introduction to Jesus Christ for those who have yet to meet him.