How Do We Change the Culture We Live In? (Part 7) How it All Fits Together

Posted by Jenn Jones on August 11, 2013

view previous How do We Change the Culture We Live In

Here we are – at the top of the culture pyramid.
Hopefully to most people this is all common sense, but unfortunately I think common sense has gotten lost in the shuffle these days. Our nation – our society – was originally built on a very sturdy foundation. But just as with a building, if the foundation is neglected and not protected, it will start to crumble and decay. With revisionist history and assault on religious freedoms over the past 50+ years the foundation that once made this nation so great is crumbling and we are seeing the decay spread up through the culture pyramid.

So how do we do it? How DO we change the culture we live in. It is a daunting task when you think of the big picture. But it really comes down to a simple idea. Change yourself. Educate yourself. Build your strong foundation and work at changing your life for the better. Encourage those around you – your children, your spouse, your friends, your neighbors. Encourage them not only with words, but with your actions. Let them see what you are doing. Don’t be afraid to discuss it. As Ghandi said, “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” This is a bottom up process as I have mentioned before and at the bottom – is the individual – you and me.
I have resigned myself to and accepted the fact that the changes I pray for in our nation will not likely be witnessed by me or my generation. We may see a glimmer before the end of our lives, but ultimately it falls to the next generation – our kids and grandkids – to carry the torch from here. How can they be expected to do so if we are not providing them with the tools and building blocks. I am convinced that we have not seen the worst of what is yet to come. But if the next generations are not taught the importance of virtues, principles and values – andTRUTH – they are doomed.
I had a friend, who is older than me, ask me how old I was the other day. When I told her that I was 42, she reminded me that I have at least 20 years left in this battle. I went to bed that night with a heavy burden on my shoulders after that statement. What will I choose to do for the next 20+ years? Will I continue to complain about the state of our nation, politicians, and ridiculous legislation? Or will I evaluate what is really important – what is at the core of the problem – and focus my energy there.
I think after reading this blog series and others on this site, that you can probably see what direction I decided on.
Most days I feel I am late to the game. I spent many years of my life with no understanding of the importance of a foundation to build my life on. I lived my life based on many of the things I have warned against in this series. So I speak from experience. I have lived that way – and I am working on living a new way. I see the effect it has had on my kids who are all teenagers now and the time I lost while I was ignorant of what was truly important. Don’t get me wrong – I have good kids, but I often wonder where they would be headed now if I had done things differently – if I had been armed with the knowledge I have now. But hindsight is always 20/20 – and looking forward I still have to do what needs to be done.
It is never too late to do what is right. The question is – can we all find the courage to draw the line in the sand and start building that foundation of truth?